Things To Avoid If You Have A Cough

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Avoid Eating Cold Foods

  • A common cold and cough activated by cold food products like cold drinks and ice-cream is a common grumble that many doctors hear.
  • Though there is no logical evidence as to how cold food products trigger and exacerbate coughs; patients are usually advised to keep away from them altogether until they recuperate fully.
  • One rational reason for this would be that cold drinks and foods cause the respiratory lining to dry out making it vulnerable to infections and due to irritation.

Avoid Overindulge During The Evening

A common cold and cough activated by cold food products like cold drinks and ice-cream is a common grumble that many doctors hear.
A common cold and cough activated by cold food products like cold drinks and ice-cream is a common grumble that many doctors hear.
  • Having a large dinner at night or overindulging can be a cough trigger for individuals suffering from GERD, also known as an acid reflux.
  • Individuals with GERD might have poor synchronization between reduction and relaxation of the sphincter muscle that stops the reflux of food to the esophagus.
  • Therefore, the acid in the stomach can move back to the food pipe, resulting in irritation which triggers coughing.
  • So, it will be better if you eat early and keep a space of at least 2 hours between dinnertime and bedtime.

Don’t Sleep On Your Back

  • Sleeping position plays a vital function in triggering coughing during the night, particularly if you have a heavy cough.
  • All the phlegm and mucus that collects during the day, moves up to irritate the throat if you sleep on your back.
  • As an alternative, sleeping in a leaning posture or on your sides will keep the mucus fixed and avoid coughing attacks.

Stay Away From Fried Foods

  • Fried foods are greasy and oil is a recognized trigger for coughing.
  • Deep-frying foods in scorching oil produces a compound known as acrolein, which is as an allergen that exacerbates coughing and causes the throat to itch.
  • So, it’s better to keep away from greasy, fried foods while you are experiencing coughing episodes.

Related Video On Coughing

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