Why Cleaning Your Hands Is Important

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A number of contagious illnesses can be transmitted from one individual to another by dirty hands. These illnesses consist of respirational infections, such as flu and gastrointestinal infections. Cleaning your hands correctly can stop the transmission of microorganisms (like germs and viruses) that lead to these illnesses.

Some types of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections can cause severe problems, particularly for young kids, the ageing, or those with a debilitated immune system.

When Should You Wash Your Hands?

A number of contagious illnesses can be transmitted from one individual to another by dirty hands. These illnesses consist of respirational infections, such as flu and gastrointestinal infections.
A number of contagious illnesses can be transmitted from one individual to another by dirty hands. These illnesses consist of respirational infections, such as flu and gastrointestinal infections.

You must clean your hands carefully:

  • After going to the toilet or when handling nappies.
  • Whenever working with food.
  • When touching uncooked or ready-to-eat foodstuff.
  • Prior to eating.
  • When using a tissue.
  • When being around sick people.
  • When you have finished smoking.
  • When throwing away rubbish or when you handle anything ion the garden.
  • After petting your animals.

Washing Your Hands Correctly

To clean your hands accurately:

  • Rinse your hands with fresh, running water.
  • Use a cleanser and foam well for 30 seconds.
  • Scour your hands tightly across all surfaces.
  • Don’t neglect the rear of your hands, wrists, among your fingers and underneath your nails.
  • Try take off any watches and rings prior to washing your hands, or make sure you shift the rings so you can clean underneath them as germs can occur under them.
  • Rinse well below the warm water and make certain all bits of soap are gone.
  • Pat your hands dry using a fresh cloth.
  • Make sure you dry underneath any rings, as germs can breed if they stay damp.

A tip for home is to provide each person in your family with their own towel and make sure they are cleaned on a regular basis.

Clean By Using Running Water

Use running water as an alternative to water in a basin which could become polluted when in use. Warm water might be a better option when washing your hands as soap foams better when warm water is used. Though, cool water and a cleanser are still fine. If the water is too hot it can harm the natural oils on the skin. This can then lead to dermatitis.

Soap is Essential

Cleaning hands with a cleanser and water will remove noticeably more infection causing bacteria than cleaning hands only with water. For individuals who get skin irritation from using soap, it is handy to remember that soaps can have various pH levels and fragrances in soap might also lead to skin irritation. Using a different soap might help some individuals

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