What are the basics of firefighter certification?

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Firefighter certification entails a number of levels that firefighters must go through prior to getting awarded certification. The course will often include written examination as well as practical sessions. As is expected, the practical sessions are overseen by the academy heads. Below are the basics to expect should you be interested in this kind of a course.

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The examination is recommended for individuals who have had training at different levels in different setups, but who have not been trained at the fire station. In spite of this, some individuals will find the exam rather challenging so that there is need to carry out a number of sessions in order to excel. Many centers will require the individuals who partake in the firefighter certification to provide a number of documents as proof of previous training. These documents include:

  • Adult and child CPR alongside a first aid course.
  • Evidence of training on how to handle dangerous materials.
  • Evidence of training in highway safety
  • In some cases, the fire fighter will be asked to show proof of a Wildland Fire Fighter.

The exams may contain questions with multiple answers as well as incorporate practical skills to be tested at different station. This is key as it ensures that any individual who undergoes firefighter recertification is all-rounded once they have completed their training. There are two levels of training in this regard, and the second is referred to as the stage II certification. This stage will also require that firefighters take quizzes and practical exams that depict real life situations. This is a very important facet of training as it allows firefighters to have a grasp of what the real world is all about.

For the second stage of firefighter re-certification, the following requirements have to be put in place:

  • Documents that show the individual is competent in operating an inspiratory, wearing it as well as using it.
  • A refresher course in CPR techniques which are the equivalent of a CPR card.
  • Extra training material that will clearly outline the roles that a firefighter who has undergone such training is expected to do.

It is interesting to note that firefighter certification can be reciprocated in the sense that various certifications can be recognized at different training centers. Upon request, the specific training center that an individual goes to may opt to evaluate the competence of the person in question. Once they are compliant, the certificate may be reciprocated.

What are the advantages of certification reciprocation?

  • Reciprocation allows one to be a part of the training system for the purposes of prerequisite requirements.
  • It also permits one to be inducted into the current system thus saving time that could be channeled to learning different techniques as far as firefighter certification is concerned.
  • The process to apply for certificate reciprocation is provided for under specific conditions to prevent ambiguous reciprocity. For this reason, applications are considered for individuals who are relocating to different states. One applies for the same and waits to have their application reviewed to see whether it is in line with training standard.

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