What you Need to Know about CPR HCP Re-certification

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CPR HCP re-certification from life saving society
CPR HCP re-certification from life saving society

CPR HCP is one of the very inclusive cardiopulmonary resuscitation courses. The good thing about this course is that for those who had previously been certified, but the period of certification has expired can receive a CPR HCP Re-certification. This is a great course for those working in the health care facilities. The renewal of the course takes approximately four to five years to complete. Those who succeed get a re-cert award that is similar to the certification specifications. This is better than the initial certificate, because the award is of a higher level. Before enrolling for a CPR HCP Re-certification training there are specific requirements that must be met.

Requirements for CPR HCP Re-certification

Trainees wishing to take the course must have successfully completed the prior CPR level, AED and HCP accreditation training in Canada and through a recognized CPR or first aid provider. Some of the approved and highly rated providers include life saving society, St. John ambulance and heart and stroke foundation. The trainees must have also attended gone through AED and CPR certification program with the previous health care provider within a time not exceeding three year. If a candidate fails to meet the requirements, he or she must retake the entire class providing CPR level HCP certification.

Canadian Certification

The candidates who go complete the class successfully will get a Canadian CPR-HCP card. The card expires after duration of three years and fulfills the requirements of many work places and schools.

Information on the Program

The cost of the entire CPR HCP Re-certification depends on the course provider. It takes four to five years to complete the whole training. All you need to do is to look for the provider offering the best deal in terms of the cost because the providers charge different cost.

Registration Process

When signing up for the training, you need to choose the course time and date when to attend the classes. Then, there is the enrollment form offered by the different providers, which you need to fill all your information.

Private training

There are private classes for CPR HCP Re-certification that a candidate can enroll if the course time offered by the course providers does not meet their needs effectively. This is where you are trained individually by an accredited trainer at your own convenient time.

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAwQ04LvrFs” width=”200″ height=”200″]

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