CPR Training For Emergencies

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[heading style=”1″]First Aid Re-certification tells you the significance of CPR training for emergencies.[/heading]
CPR Procedure
First Aid Re-certification CPR Training

There is simply no denying that the world we live in is unpredictable. There are countless dangers that can come at you without warning. Unexpected emergency situations can develop at any moment. There are a number of extreme cases that entail the application of emergency first aid techniques like CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation).

Everyone needs to be ready. Enrolling in CPR and first aid courses is perhaps the best thing anyone can do to prepare for such situation nowadays. The skills and techniques one can learn from these classes are simply invaluable.

[note color=”#47afbf”]The CPR Procedure[/note]

Everyone should get some form of emergency first aid training at some point in their lives. CPR is perhaps the most widely used technique out there, as it comes in handy in a number of extreme emergency situations.

For the longest time before CPR was invented, death was considered to be the inevitable consequences of heart failure. Thanks to CPR, this is no longer the case.A notable 20th century medical invention, it has saved thousands of lives since it was first used during the 1960’s. It was originally designed to help sudden cardiac arrest victims. This procedure is done with the goal of reviving the victim’s heart as well as restarting their breathing.

The CPR procedure consists of two simple techniques. Namely, these techniques are the rescue breaths and the chest compressions. The CPR procedure consists of cycling between these two techniques, alternating between giving 2 rescue breaths and administering 30 chest compressions to the victim.

  • Rescue Breaths – This part of the CPR procedure involves you breathing into the victim’s mouth. An important tip to remember when doing this technique is to clasp the victim’s nose. This will ensure that there is no air escaping; otherwise the whole technique would be pointless. You would also do well in remembering that there is no need to take deep breaths as you perform this technique. Just breathe normally, and make sure that each rescue breath you perform lasts up to 1 second.
  • Chest Compressions – This part of the procedure is responsible for pumping the victim’s heart so that blood flow is continuous. Pump hard at the victim’s lower sternum, making sure it sinks by an inch with each pump. Chest compressions should also be no slower than 100 per minute.

[note color=”#47afbf”]CPR, First Aid Training and Re-certification[/note]

The procedure presented above is the basic CPR procedure. However, with the goal of making it more effectively, changes have been made on it over the years. As recently as 2010, the American Heart Association made recommendations that rescue breaths should be removed from the procedure entirely.

You can find out more about these changes to procedure by attending First Aid training classes. These classes are the best way to learn about CPR and other emergency first aid procedures as they are taught by the best medical professionals, emergency workers, and CPR certified instructors with years of experience under their belts. They focus on more on practical application than theoretical knowledge. Only by doing this can you be ready for an actual emergency situation.

Here is a short YouTube video on How To Perform CPR

[media url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTTHVPpDSaI” width=”600″ height=”400″]

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