Mental Health First Aid Certification

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mental health aid certification
First Aid Certification

Mental health first aid certification is a new line of intervention used in the modern days. Many of the first aid classes focus on the checking the well being of a victim of a certain medical emergency. However, this is a new field that involves examining a person who is undergoing psychological problem such as anorexia, depression, self injury, Alzheimer and eating disorders. It then gives information on how to help victims of such psychological problems.

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Mental health first aid certification requirements

In order to get mental health first aid certification, you should take a twelve hours course of class instructions by an approved certified trainer. The class presents an overview of mental illness and substance abuse disorder. The trainees are introduced to the risk factors and warning symptoms of mental health problems. It helps the trainees to understand the impacts that the disorders have to an individual and provides a comprehensive overview of common treatments methods that should be used. Those, who take twelve hours course to get the certification, learn a five step action plan comprising the skills, resources and knowledge on how to help victims who are in crisis. They lean the best ways to connect with other professionals, peer, social and how to carry out self help care. This class is more appropriate for teachers, nurses, police, fire fighters, ministers and other workers in the general public.

Important of mental health first aid  certification

Many are times that you may come across a friend or any other individual struggling with mental health problems, but do not know how to help.  Mental health first aid certification is important as it prepares you to handle and deal with mental disorders. In addition, it helps trainees to have a better understanding and appreciation of what the victims of mental disorders go through.

Five step program

In this program, you learn what is referred to as ALGEE. This process includes fives step that include:

  • Assessing the risk of harm or suicide.
  • Listen in a non judgmental way.
  • Give reassurance and information.
  • Encourage to get professional help.
  • Encourage self help and other support strategies.

The Mental first aid certification also gives you first hand strategies to be put in use in different areas. You also learn strategies to apply in order to help a mentally challenged person. These include relaxation, exercise, self help books, meditation, peer support and involvement in helpful networks. You can also opt to go for a trainer class where you learn how to become an instructor to pass the knowledge and skills to others.

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