What does level 2 first aid training entail?

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First Aid and CPR
OFA level 2 training includes CPR training.

If you are looking for a course that covers first aid, you would be excited to know that there are different levels of training, and this article focuses on level 2 first aid training. Ideally, when you settle for this form of training, it is expected that you would have some training prior to this. Previous training covers basic techniques of first aid, so the second level is an advancement of the same. At the various training centers, first aid training experts are at hand to impart knowledge to the students. On completing the course successfully, the student will receive a statement of attainment that indicates they have knowledge in first aid application, as well as how to carry out CPR.

[youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pX8l_sDbcM0″ width=”200″ height=”200″]

What are the requirements for one to undertake level 2 first aid training?

  • Students must take up workbooks from their respective training centers, as well as collect a manual that indicates different first aid techniques.
  • The workbook contains questions which the individual must answer correctly before taking up the training. Some training centers will offer to send a soft copy of the same, so look out to see what works for you.
  • This course is suited for just about anyone who has a keen interest to take up first aid as a skill.

What are some of the topics that are covered in level 2 first aid training?

How is assessment carried out?

The assessment for this course is carried out in two ways- theoretically as well as practically. This is important as it enables an individual to be well rounded once training is complete. At the end of training, it is expected that the individual will present a written assessment.

Following completion of the training, the individual will be issued with certificates which indicate that they trained successfully. These certificates are issued on the same day.

What do you need to carry with you on the day of level 2 first aid training?

  • Carry a pen to write down the written assessment.
  • Carry a copy of your ID.
  • Make sure that you are dressed comfortably.
  • Arrive before time to ensure that you are mentally prepared as well as organized.
  • Go through the terms and conditions of the specific training center that you plan to attend. This way, you will know exactly what you are signing yourself up for.


Level 2 first aid training is ideal for anyone who wants to hone their skills as well as prepare themselves for emergencies. Since it is a one day course, it certainly is worth it- you never know when your skills will come in handy.

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