Fact Checked
- Bruises are injuries to the soft tissue
- It is an ‘area of discoloration’ on the skin
Bruises are injuries to the soft tissue. It is an ‘area of discoloration’ on the skin - Other names – Hematoma, Contusion
- Can last for days to several months
- Sports Injuries
- Accidents
- Falls
- Blows from objects/people
- Chances increase if taking medications, like Aspirin
- Subcutaneous-underneath the skin
- Intramuscular – within the underlying muscles
- Periosteal-bruise related to bone
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- Small veins and capillaries under the skin breaks
- Blood escapes and collects under skin
- In the beginning, bruises look purplish or red
- In 2 days, it may change to black or blue color
- It changes to a green/yellow color in 5 days
- Changes to a brown shade in 10-14 days
- It further lightens and fades away
- The changing colors indicates red cell metabolism
- Pain
- Swelling
- Discoloration
- Most bruises vanish in 2 weeks time
- No bandage required if skin is not broken
- Keep bruised area raised
- Apply cold compress, ½ hr to one hr at a time
- Continue this for two days
- Do not apply ice directly on skin
- Can take pain killing medications, like acetaminophen
- Avoid draining the bruise using needle
- Avoid using the bruised part
- For more serious injury consult a doctor
- Consult also in case of spontaneous injury/infection
- Teach children safety measures
- Avoid falls around house
- Wear seat belts while driving
- Wear helmet while riding
- While sporting, pad frequently- bruised areas